IR Information

Stock Data


発行可能株式総数 22,364,000 shares
発行済株式の総数 15,750,000株
株主数 10,222名


Shareowner name Number of shares held (thousands of shares) Shareholding ratio (%)
株式会社野村総合研究所 3,178 20.18%
CUBE SYSTEM Employee Stock Ownership Plan 1,468 9.32%
Osamu Sakiyama 1,121 7.12%
The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account) 1,061 6.73%
Japan Master Trust Bank, Ltd. (Executive Remuneration BIP Trust Account) 586 3.72%
Akemi Onuki 401 2.54%
SMBC Nikko Securities Co., Ltd. 289 1.84%
佐藤 俊郁 229 1.45%
Toshio Uchida 220 1.40%
株式会社日本カストディ銀行(信託口) 202 1.28%

Trends in total number of issued shares

date Total number of issued and outstanding shares Apply
Fiscal Year Ending March 31,2023 15,750,000株 2022年12月27日付で、第三者割当により1,250,000株の新株式を発行、380,000株の自己株式の消却を実施しております。
Fiscal year ending March 31, 2022 14,500,000 shares As of May 31, 2021, we will cancel 779,840 shares of Treasury shares.
Fiscal year ending March 31, 2021 15,279,840 shares
Fiscal year ending March 31, 2020 15,279,840 shares
Fiscal year ended March 31, 2019 15,279,840 shares
Fiscal year ended March 2018 15,279,840 shares
Fiscal year ended March 2017 15,279,840 shares
Year ended March 31, 2016 15,279,840 shares
Fiscal year ended March 2015 15,279,840 shares As of October 1, 2014, we have implemented a share split at a ratio of two shares per share.
Fiscal year ended March 2014 7,639,920 shares
Fiscal year ending March 31, 2013 7,639,920 shares
Fiscal year ending March 31, 2012 7,639,920 shares As of April 1, 2011, we have implemented a stock split of 1.5 shares per share.
Fiscal year ended March 2011 5,093,280 shares As of April 1, 2010, we have implemented a share split at a ratio of 2 shares per share.
Fiscal year ended March 2010 2,546,640 shares
Fiscal year ended March 31, 2009 2,546,640 shares
Fiscal year ended March 2008 2,546,640 shares
Year ended March 31, 2007 2,546,640 shares As of November 21, 2006, we issued 450,000 new shares through public offering.
Fiscal year ended March 31, 2006 2,096,640 shares As of November 18, 2005, we have implemented a stock split of 1.5 shares per share.
Year ended March 31, 2005 1,397,760 shares As of November 19, 2004, we have implemented a 2-for-1 stock split.
Fiscal year ended March 2004 698,880 shares As of November 20, 2003, we have implemented a stock split of 1.2 shares per share.

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