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Tweet Summary (Rookie Training 2023)



This time, we will introduce you to the new employee training that we tweeted from April to June 2023.

Introducing this year's new employee training! !

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Under the blue sky that welcomes new employees, the initiation ceremony was held at a wonderful hotel with a perfect view of Tokyo Tower.
While listening to the words of the president, executives, and senior employees, it seems that they realized the first step as a member society!

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This is the state of the security training on the second day.
As a company that makes a living in system development, understanding security is essential!

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This is a lecture by Wataru Horie, who is also an employee of our company and is active as a para-athlete.
All the new employees listened intently to the valuable story!

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Outside directors Kanbata (at that time), who retired at Shareholders Meeting in June 2023, gave us a lecture on Corporate Governance and compliance!

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New employee training includes not only classroom lectures but also practical training.
I learned how to exchange business cards as business etiquette!

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Logical thinking is one of the thinking methods required of business people.
I was able to learn the skills I needed to run my business smoothly.

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It looks like each new employee gave a presentation on "what they want to be in five years".
Although he was nervous, he gave a solid presentation!

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In the second half of new employee training, we conduct training to learn actual programming languages such as Java.
This time, I created an original game to learn "Scratch"!

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Their assignments have also been decided, and from June they will be gaining experience at their assigned destinations.
I was able to look back to take advantage of what I learned in the training!


How did you like it?
This time it will be the whole training (about 2 months). After this, we will learn techniques that meet the business requirements at each assignment!
The company and seniors are cheering for the newcomers who will be working fine in a few years!
Thank you for reading this far.
If you are looking for a job and are even slightly interested in our company, please take a look at new graduates page!

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