IR Information

Business-related Risks

有価証券報告書に記載した事業の状況、経理の状況等に関する事項のうち、投資者の判断に重要な影響を及ぼす可能性のある事項について、現時点で想定される主なものを記載いたしました。 なお、文中記載の事項のうち将来に関するものについては、有価証券報告書提出日(2023年6月23日)現在において当社グループが判断したものであります。

Business environment surrounding Our Group


About Dependence on Specific Clients


About project quality and profit/loss management

Our Group Profitability or projects that are expected to be in the red for the purpose of improving and accumulating system development In addition, since Services provided by the Our Group are contracted in principle, even if the project is expected to be profitable at the time of receiving an order, it will be profitable due to unexpected specification changes or additional work that exceeds the initial estimate Profitability May be reduced and unprofitable.
In the future, the promotion of the DX business customer difficult, and it is thought that the number of situations where it is difficult to ensure quality is on the rise. In addition, customer with technology and management, long-term repair liability and reduction of sales due to extension of contract nonconformity period due to the revision of the Civil Code that came into effect in April 2020. Billing may be made, which may affect the business performance of the Our Group
As a countermeasure, system development meeting to quickly share and visualize the risks involved in the project, quality improvement the quality by strengthening the monitoring function for each project, and make a contract with the DX business at the top. We will control the risk by changing the form to a quasi-delegation contract.

Risks related to Information Management and Information Leaks


About business continuity

当社グループは、昨今の新型コロナウイルス感染拡大のようなパンデミックや、その他災害対策、地政学的リスク、災害等の発生の影響により顧客へのサービス提供の中断が不可避となった場合等を加味した事業継続プログラム(BCP)の再構築を行い、その実効性の点検や課題の解決を図っております。しかしながら、災害規模が想定よりも甚大な場合には顧客と合意した水準でのサービス提供が困難となり、当社グループの業績が影響を受ける可能性があります。  なお、新型コロナウィルス感染症による当社グループへの影響につきましては、商談機会の減少など営業活動への影響が続いた一方で、社会活動を維持するためのICTの積極活用により、企業規模に関わらずDXを中心とした需要が継続的に伸びております。デジタル技術を駆使することで品質を維持しながら分散型、非接触型でのサービス提供に努めることで事業活動を推進してまいります。

Overseas business activities, including overseas Subsidiaries

Our Group is expanding its business overseas. However, in many overseas markets, various factors such as legal systems, business customs, labor relations, economic trends, exchange rate fluctuations, and other political and society factors that are different from those in Japan are expected to occur, and the Our Group 's business performance. May be affected.
In response to these, in order to avoid overconcentration, we will consider relocating domestic and overseas bases, such as utilizing nearshore

Impairment of the value of investment securities

Our Group addition to listed stocks held for the purpose of strengthening relationships with business partners and collecting information, the Group holds unlisted stocks acquired through business alliances and bonds for the purpose of fund management. We are also investing in investment business associations for the purpose of discovering venture companies that possess new technologies. If the issuer's business performance deteriorates or bankruptcy occurs, these investment securities may be impaired for accounting purposes or the investment amount may not be recovered, which may affect the business performance of the Our Group There is sex.
We will enhance monitoring of the market and investment destinations to deal with these risks and take appropriate measures.


当社グループの事業拡大にとって、優秀な人材の確保や人材の育成は、重要な経営課題であると認識しております。当社グループが属する情報サービス産業では慢性的なシステム/ネットワークエンジニアの不足が続いており、今後、計画通りの人材を確保できない場合や人材の流出に加え、プロフェッショナルIT人材の育成に遅れが生じる場合には、生産性の高いプロジェクト遂行や案件獲得の機会損失を招く恐れがあり、当社グループの財政状態及び業績に影響を及ぼす可能性があります。 これらのリスクに対して、計画的な採用活動を通じて新卒採用及び中途採用を実施し、人材の確保を図ると同時に、人材育成の仕組み作りやウェルビーイング向上等の施策を引き続き実施してまいります。

​ ​IR Information​ ​

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